Friday, April 27, 2012

Out of treatment and going to day therapy. Fun. Found out that the doctors mis-interpreted what i said. I burned myself and cut my wrist again. I am a winner.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What short term goals do you have?

I do not like setting goals I know I cannot keep.

Discuss any and all progress you have made.

I told Berry the truth knowing what consequences were going to come from it.

What is something that makes you the most happy?

Ummm.... I said this on the other post kinda of but I forgot what I put there soooo......
I tend to fancy messing with Harman's mind. Do not know why.... I think it is because then I feel superior to him and considering he is like a god I feel pretty god damn good about myself. ha.

Do you know any statistics of self harm?

I look them up occasionally but I do not know them off hand.

What are some of your main triggers? Why?

When I fail. When I look in the mirror. When people look at me in the hallway. When I act "silly":). Mr. Harman. My family. School (more so lately). Looking on the internet. Being alone. Thinking.

What is your favorite inspirational quote?

I have many but the one that comes to my mind is:

"Yesterday is the past and tomorrow may never come"